Come along with Little Waves Coffee Roasters on a visit to José Giraldo's Finca Las Marias and experience the seed to cup journey.
About Río Dulce, Gesha
- We roasted this high altitude Gesha light and fast to feature delicate florals, sweet candy notes, and bright acidity, with just enough development to elicit a balanced sweetness.
- Use between 3 and 6 weeks off roast, or keep airtight in freezer for later use.
- First Round of shipments Roasted on November 15th and 16th, 2024.
Second round starting February, 2025 Roasted on February 5th, 2025.

Brew Recipes
Hario Mugen x Switch
- Brew Ratio 1:16 - 20 grams coffee, 310 ml water + 10 ml bypass in carafe.
- Grind Size: 725 microns
- Water Temperatures: 79.4 C (175 F) pre-infusion, then 92˚ C (198˚ F) for the rest.
- Filter: Sibarist Fast Cone Filter M
- Time: 3 minutes 40 Seconds
- TDS: 1.3%
- Rinse the filter, pre-heating device and carafe.
- Reset, then add 10 ml of bypass water to the carafe.
- Pre-infuse with 65 ml of 79.4 C (175 F) for 35 seconds, draining into the carafe over a chilling rock.
- Close the switch, move rock, then pour to 320 ml total.
- Let immersion brew until 2:30.
- At 2:30 open the switch to drain.
- Close the switch at 3:40
- Enjoy!
20 grams, 300/20 ml, 750 microns.
This recipe references @weihong_blendin 2024 US Brewer’s Cup winning recipe.
Origami Air S
- Brew Ratio: 1:15 - 16 grams in, 240 ml water.
- Grind Size: 670 microns
- Water Temperatures: 92 C (198 F)
- Filter: Sibarist Fast Cone Filter S
- Time: 2 minutes 25 seconds
- TDS: 1.3%
- Pre-infuse 54 ml, letting it drip over a chilling rock from four cm above the brewer.
- With the chilling rock moved out of the way, pour 62 ml from four cm above the brewer, spiraling out then in.
- As the water finishes draining, pour another 62 ml, spiraling out from the center, from close to the brewer.
- For the last pour of 62 ml, keep the pour low, slow and centered with minimal agitation.
- Enjoy!
- Brew Ratio: 1:13.6 -18 grams in, 94 ml into inverted press, 150 ml bypass.
- Grind Size: 625 microns
- Water Temperatures: 90 C (194 F)
- Filter: Aeropress Classic, Rinsed
- Time: 2 minutes 10 seconds
- TDS: 1.35%
- To invert the press, seal the silicone gasket perpendicular to the cylinder at marker 4.
- Pour 95 ml of water and stir gently 35 times.
- At 1:20, screw on the cap, pre-wet filter in place and while still inverted, press out the remaining air.
- At 1:30 flip, starting at 1:40 press and drain over a chilling rock for 30 seconds.
- Stop pressing when you hear air, producing 60-65 ml of concentrate.
- Bypass with 90 C (194 F) water to 150 ml.
- Press your puck into the compost, rinse, and reset.
- Enjoy!
French Press
- Brew Ratio: 1:14.4 -18 grams in, 260 ml water.
- Grind Size: 570 microns
- Water Temperatures: 71 C (155 F) pre-infusion, then 97 C (205 F)
- Time: 5 minutes brew, 2 minutes filter
- TDS: 1.35%
- Pour 55 ml of 68 C (149 F) water bloom, evenly wetting the grounds, leaving to pre-infuse for two minutes, with the top open.
- Then pour 205 ml of 96 C (205 F) water and swirl 7 times.
- Leave to brew with the top off for 3 more minutes.
- Just before 5 minutes, carefully insert the press, only pressing down far enough to seal it, without touching the grounds.
- Pour the coffee through a pre-wet pourover filter and serve.
- Remove carafe from drip after two more minutes.
- Enjoy!
- Brew Ratio: 1:2.1 - 17.5 grams finely ground coffee in, 37 ml of espresso out
- Grind Size: 325 microns
- Water Temperatures: 92 C (198 F)
- Pump Pressure: 9 Bars
- Preserve VOCs: Extract first 40% over chilling rocks
- Time: 32 seconds
- TDS: 8.52%
More Details
We’d love it if you share a picture of your pour setup or where on Earth you are brewing and tag @littlewaves.coffee, @cafe1959, & @standartmag !
All Recipes developed & tested at 111 meters above sea level (365 feet) at 21 C (70 F) and 54% ambient temperature and moisture.
Before grinding: Spritz 100 micro-liters of water onto whole bean using an atomizer for all Manual Brews and 3 spritzes or 300 microliters for Espresso.
Switch out Sibarist Fast Cone filter for Cafec T-90 if desired or more accessible.
Pre-wet and preheat all devices before using.
Water Composition:Apax Labs
Per Liter of distilled water: 4 drops Lylac . 2 Tonik . 1 Jamm
Looking for more florals, try 1-2 degrees cooler on brew termerature.
We hope you’ll love this coffee as much as we do!
Enjoy bringing out its beauty!
Finca Las Marías
The air is both warm and cool- two temperatures from moment to moment, back and
forth. Direct sunlight warms as the altitude provides pockets of cool air. Finca Las
Marias sits in the Intertropical Convergence Zone, where two thermal equators meet.
Here, coffee grows in all stages on branches all year long. All of these external factors,
including soil, cloud and rain patterns and Coffea arabica
loving temperature ranges make
for the ideal place to plant and nourish the most select coffees in the world.
The sun rises over the Andes, crosses down on the valley, over the Finca- situated on a
steep Northwestern slope. In the afternoon, the sun crosses over the mountain to the valley
behind. Above, billowy clouds circulate, seemingly in place via the vortex created by the
valley. Warmth from the intense period of direct sun, then shade and cool of night
create a desirable stress on the coffee, pushing the shrubs’ existential resources -
sugars - to its seeds, a kind of evolutionary defense mechanism, bringing sweetness to
the ripening coffee cherries.
José Giraldo has planted Gesha starting at 2050 masl, trailing from the peak of his farm
in layers down makeshift steps toward the river valley below. As one walks through the
sections of Gesha, shrubs selected and cultivated over ten years, tasting the ripe
cherries, the fruit shows delicate and sweet florals that we taste in roasted Gesha
This is what we are sharing with you.
Delicate Gesha coffee cherries get hand-picked at the peak of ripeness at Finca Las Marias, high up on a North Face of the Western side of the East Andes outside of Pijao, Quindío, Colombia, then transported to La Clarita Lab & Drying Station Southeast of El Éden, Qunidío.
The coffee cherrries are then placed in open tanks to ferment in a 12˚C refrigerated room for 24 hrs.
The Cherries are pulped and rinsed and put back into the refrigerated storage room in open tanks for another 24 hours.
The pulped coffee is washed, drained, and laid out to dry in three-tier raised beds.
The coffee is laid on the top bed for 1-2 days to remove excess moisture and then moved down to the middle or bottom tier, which are less exposed to the sun.
When the coffee reaches 20-25% moisture level, the coffee is collected from the drying beds and placed into hermetically sealed grain pro bags and put back into the refrigerated storage for 8-10 days to slow ferment.
The coffee is then put back on the bottom tier of the drying beds to dry slowly to the perfect 10.5% moisture, carefully sorted, dry milled, and rested before shipment.
The Team Behind The Cup

The Roaster

Little Waves is a Latina-led, women-forward, specialty coffee company seeking to serve top quality coffees that deeply and honestly connect quality, relationship, and impact. We offer an integrated array offerings to express this ongoing work.
- 2024 - Featured in Apple TV+ hit series “Omnivore”
- 2022 - Winner - Roaster of the Year by Roast Magazine
- 2019 - La Marzoco Café, Roaster in Residence, KEXP Gathering Space, Seattle

The Farmer

The son of a food scientist, José Julian Giraldo builds upon a foundation of best-in-class farm management, using selection and experimentation to create peak coffee flavor. He processes coffee with techniques unique to him, at times bucking trends, following the path the flavor innate to the coffee cherries and terroir takes him, employing his raised beds, particular processing and dry timings, and refrigeration rooms to enhance and feature the terroirs of selections from rare and challenging varieties.
"We believe in crafting an unparalleled coffee experience for everyone, where each variety of specialty coffee tells a story of exceptional quality and distinctive flavors. We do this through a scientific approach, genuine partnership connection, and experimental taste mastery.”
- Asia -- Leaves & Glitch, Tokyo. Yard, Osaka. Coffee Graffiti & Namusairo, Seoul. Sang, Hong Kong. Pro Aroma, Taichung City.
- Middle East: El Matador, Abu Dabi, Caffeine Lab, Jeddah
- Europe: Aliena, Rome, A.M.O.C. & Manhattan, Rotterdam, Standout, Stockholm
- Canada: Prototype, Vancouver & Rogue Wave, Edmonton

The Importer

“Yellow Rooster was founded in July of 2019 by a small team of passionate coffee professionals with years of combined experience — as baristas and roasters, to equipment specialists and shop owners ourselves — each co-founding partner shares the desire to further positively impact the industry and communities that have so greatly impacted us.
These combined experiences provided ample opportunities for our co-founders to interact with actors across all stops along the coffee value chain, from farm to port to roastery to coffee shop and more. Compiling these conversations and experiences, our team coalesced around a shared set of values, which can be understood through the company’s mission of creating faithful, dignifying relationships between humans through the means of trading specialty coffee. More than just a delicious drink, coffee is a culture that knows no borders.”
“Humanity is the music and coffee the instrument.” - Jimmy Avendano, co-founder
Join our
"Get first dibs on coffees and the latest news and developments."

It will include showstoppers, competition-level coffees, unique processings, and also explorations of new varieties, stories, potentially including coffee species that play an important role in coffee future on a changing Earth.
This project has been special and unique and me ware proud to share all the love put into it by a multicultural, international team.